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Historically, enjoying a soak in the hot tub was to unwind at night after a long day of work. But what if you switched it up and moved your soothing session to the morning? What kinds of things would be possible in a day that began in a hot tub? Here are some exciting benefits to waking your body up by hopping in your hot tub for a morning soak!
You know the phrase “woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.” It’s a way to let people know you just started your day upset or anxious, and everyone agrees there’s no real cure to this — the day is what it is. But by soaking in your tub first thing in the morning, you can hit the reset button and start your day with a more positive mind frame.
Waking up tired, grumpy, or generally just “blah” is part of the human condition. However, it’s up to us to find ways to intercept those feelings and regain our natural energy and calmness. Hot tubs are a fantastic way to accomplish this in just a few minutes.
It sounds so lovely to step into your hot tub as the sun rises, holding a cup of hot coffee. And you’d be right about that, except it’s even better than you think. Coffee lovers who are hot tub owners and aren’t getting a soak in every morning are missing out on some untapped potential to get the most from every sip.
The warm water in a hot tub increases your circulation and heart rate. This benefit alone is a good enough reason to add more soaking time to your life, but it also means that precious caffeine will travel to your brain even faster. No more waiting to reap the benefits of your first cup! This is a friendly reminder not to go overboard with the caffeine, especially since it’ll zoom around your body and go straight to your brain.
Waking up for a morning jog or a run to the gym isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. But you know what is for everyone? Jumping in a hot tub and doing some light exercise. This low-impact way to get your blood pumping is a fantastic reason to use your hot tub more often in the morning.
Even if you are someone who loves a good high-intensity exercise, switching it up every now and then is important. Water exercise is genuinely for everyone and can help you build your flexibility and strength. It’s also a great way to rid your muscles of some tension if you plan to stop by the gym, potentially making it a lot more comfortable to work out.
If you think about why people purchase hot tubs, finding peace and calm is usually high on the list. And what better way to get that than by spending some time in your tub in the morning in reflection?
This practice is perfect if you have a hectic day ahead of you or if you feel like you haven’t had enough time for yourself. Waking up earlier and carving out time in your schedule for a soak can make a difference in your overall well-being. Soaking is a form of self-care that you can do any time of day!
So you’re already soaking at night. That’s wonderful! But you also wish you could spend more time reconnecting with nature. It sounds like morning soaks would be right for you!
All the beauty nature offers first thing in the morning isn’t just good for the mind — it’s food for the soul. Regain your appreciation for the wonderful world around you by seeing it in an entirely new light!
No matter what time of day you wish to soak your troubles away, you can call the team at Great Bay Spa & Sauna to set you up with the hot tub you need! Contact us today to learn more about our services and products. We proudly serve Portsmouth and all of New England!