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If you’ve recently purchased a Hydropool Swim Spa, and you’re currently awaiting delivery, you may be wondering what preparations you ought to make in order to ensure that your awesome new investment makes it into your home or yard safely and securely.
You may be surprised to hear there’s actually quite a bit to know about your swim spa delivery, so it’s good you’re taking the initiative to ensure that you’re prepared. Don’t stress, though. Just check out our quick and easy Hydropool Swim Spa pre-delivery guide for all you need to know!
And if you’d like to know more about Hydropool Swim Spas in general, be sure to check out this comprehensive buyer’s guide.
Here is a list of the essential items you should have accounted for before your Hydropool Swim Spa is delivered:
If you’ve checked off all of these items, then you’re going to be in good shape come delivery day. One of the most important things to keep in mind is that your delivery team will need a safe and clear path.
That means removing any obstructions from the delivery pathway, clearing vertical space so that there are no incidents with electrical wires or low-hanging trees, and informing the team of any staircases they’re going to have to traverse along the delivery path.
All Hydropool Swim Spas require a dedicated electric circuit. In order to have that circuit installed, you’re likely going to need a permit from your city or county. Be aware of the local codes regarding electrical installation, or you may wind up dealing with some headaches before you can enjoy your swim spa.
If you plan on building a deck for your swim spa, there are typically construction codes regarding exterior surfaces that you need to be aware of before you begin work on one. And you should also be aware of any fencing requirements for your swim spa, as many cities and counties set barrier codes designed to protect small children.
If you’ve got all of the items on your pre-delivery checklist squared away, you’re now ready for delivery day. It’s important to ensure that the delivery path is still free of all obstacles, so be sure to run through it once more before the delivery team arrives.
You’re also going to need a licensed electrician on hand to get your Hydropool Swim Spa connected to the electrical hookups. Schedule for them to be there ahead of time to avoid any issues.
Remember that if you’re going to be using a crane, you’ll want two non-disabled people there to assist with the delivery, so have them there and ready to go well before the delivery team arrives.
If you want to ensure that you’re fully prepared for your Hydropool Swim Spa delivery, you can check out their pre-delivery guide or contact Great Bay Spa & Sauna and ask to speak to one of our swim spa experts. They’ll be glad to answer any of your questions!